home! about me!
molecule atom


07/27/2024 - added changelog (finally), added hit counter, finished basic home page, set up bg + header + gifs + containers for about me!
07/26/2024 - set up nav bar
07/25/2024 - started site! basic setup, basic layout, added fun graphics! added cool cursor

welcome to the lab!

this will not fare well on mobile my apologies, was built in chrome @ 100%

do you ever get tired of the fact you cant plaster awesome gifs all over your social media and how LAME the ui's look?? well i did. so i made my own awesome webbysite and its PRETTY FREAKIN' NEAT!

feel free to explore and look around! this is a MAJOR wip so there wont be alot for awhile.. and things might not work as intended.... i dont really know how to code okay......

scientist johns website counter